Sunday 29 January 2012

Happy Coffee Dreams

Three days after my pre-Valentine post, I had a splendid dream where I get to talk and hang out with Ma-Oh.

Leading up to that splendid dream was really bad, and I don't like dwelling on them for too long. It was really quite unexpected for me to dream about Ma-Oh walking up to me to cheer me up, even buying me coffee and chatting.

Though I have no idea how we've communicated since he's Japanese and I'm not really fluent with the language. But before we did part (and me waking up), he smiled at me, waved and said "See you later" in Japanese and went off.

After that, a really big smile is plastered on my face when I woke up. Even if it's just a dream, I'm happy that I'm able to hang out with him.

Here's some music from them that can make you smile just by listening (you can go look for the English translation yourself, too lazy to put it up) :

LM.C Marble-S
LM.C Tiny Circus
LM.C Love Me?

And last but not the least:

LM.C It's a Wonderful Wonder World

And oh yeah, before I forget...
It looks like Sai and me are getting along well compared to Photoshop.....

Thursday 26 January 2012

Pre-Valentine (Delusion?)

Haha, so yeah.
Just some quick doodle in Sai.

Since I was thinking of doing something for Valentines...

I drew myself, thinking of Ma-Oh (King Maya) from LM.C being my Valentine's date. And my BF going like "Yeah, fine. You always ditch me anyway..."

Damn, he (my BF) is really cute when he does that...XD

As for Ma-Oh, I remember swooning (and still swooning) over the fact that he did wore tux/suit and he's still sexy. Well, he's sexy in whatever he wears.

I would have opted to draw his new hairstyle and haircolor (smexy hot pink), but his hair before really suits the tux so...XD

Here's the music video where he wore that tux/suit : LM.C Super Duper Galaxy

As for the real Valentine concept, I'm still thinking on it...

Sunday 22 January 2012

Finger Drawing

So yeah...
After night after night of not being able to draw on my sketchpad because they keep on shutting the light off when I'm in the mood (and too lazy to open it again because the bedroom's really cozy when it's semi dark), I've finally decided to download that Application for my phone which will enable me to doodle.

I know the Galaxy Note is better but hey, I'm not really trying to draw something exotic. I'm a simple person.

So yeah, the top photo was my first trial on the app. I got really frustrated with the face so I just let it faceless.

As for my second trial, the one on the right, is passable for a trial. I've never really had drawn with my fingers.

I just used my fingers for smudging craypas and pencil shades. But never for actual drawing.
The hard part for this is not of the drawing, but to get the watermark on them when I've exported it to Photoshop.


So in the end, all I wanted to say is...

I have no idea what I'm doing. XD


I know I've overdone the second photo...but meh...

Saturday 21 January 2012

Gong Xi Fa Cai

Now that you've read the title......Hong Bao Na Lai~!!! XD

Meh, after two years of neglecting Sai, it reappeared again when I was "cleaning".

And since the Year of the Water Dragon's almost here, might as well start Sai with these dragons.

=-= It just seem appropriate that Maki and Namiki be the ones in the Year of the Dragon...
Sai seems to be more "natural" to me compared to Photoshop.....oh well

Sunday 15 January 2012

Of Knights and Fire Emblem

Meh, I can't think of any decent title.
So yeah, I keep forgetting to put in watermarks for my works. =-= A big failing on my part.
No matter, they are just sketches and doodles...
Plus, it's all ME. Anyone dares to steal my face can go to hell.

Two nights ago, my BF asked me to draw him in a knight armor. For what reason, I have no idea. He probably sensed that I'm pretty bored (not surprising really, I'm always bored).
However, as what my drawings had shown so far, is that I'm not good with armors and such (even though I effin love Medieval Fantasy type genre).
So I had to fall back to my only peg, the Fire Emblem series. If it wasn't for Fire Emblem, I might not be that much involved in gaming...

Ahem. I'm, on with it.

I seem to remember his username starts with "Black Knight", and I immediately thought of Zelgius of Fire Emblem. I know I should be thinking of Batman....
So I pegged this Zelgius - Black Knight Armor for this art minus Alondite, since I can't draw weaponry to save my sorry hide.


I would have gone for Hector of Ostia as a peg but...=-= Hector's my most favorite character of all, apart from Soren, Ike -the list goes on-....

Friday 13 January 2012

Allegretto Giocoso/Animato

"What would become of me, if I have to let go Art that had always been the biggest part of my life. The Art that made me who I am today?"

Such depressing thoughts.

Haha just kidding. I finished this some days ago but I'm really too lazy to upload it. I wasn't really in the mood of making too bright drawings that day so yeah...

To be honest, I am thinking along those lines for the past few months. But I'm not really thinking gravely of it.
There's nothing much to be gained if one stays depressed in that stink hole of a depression (lolwut).

Gotta keep smiling.
Gotta keep on moving forward to a better future.
Gotta keep on taking risks and enjoying life to the fullest (even if one is unemployed as of the moment).

Friday 6 January 2012

Malinconico: Ce sentiment violet et gris

Ah, this gray and purple feeling.

It's so depressing...

Where life plans don't go the way you want it...

It's unnerving that Bach's Cello Suite No. 1 suits the mood for tonight. It shouldn't be that way, since this piece gives off a lighter mood compared to gloomy...

Ah, my dearest Mozart...why can't thou enlighten my saddest days as thou hath done so in the past?

Meh, so much for being resolute...